what is Bobcat MUN?

Our Club

Bobcat Model United Nations was founded in 2015, with the purpose of providing a platform where students could learn about international relations, public speaking, and collaborative problem solving. We are a student-run club that welcomes individuals from a diverse array of backgrounds, interests, and majors. As a club, we are committed to ensuring a healthy, welcoming environment where everyone can develop their interpersonal, academic, and communicative skills. Bobcat MUN is a speech and debate club unlike any other.

What We Do

Our club meets weekly to train members on the matters of debate, public speaking and presentation, and the basics of parliamentary procedure. As our name suggests, we accomplish this through a committee structure that models the United Nations. However, our debates are not only relevant to politics or the UN. In the past year alone we simulated a variety of topics. This included the International Olympic committee, a zombie-apocalypse themed committee, a “New California” executive cabinet, committees on the international narcotics trade, the European Union, and much more! This allows students of all backgrounds to experience a diverse array of perspectives on topics they may have otherwise been unfamiliar with.

Our club also travels around the state to participate in inter-collegiate conferences. These are multi-day events where delegates debate and network with students from schools across the nation. While participating in these conferences is optional, they provide great opportunities for personal development. It is an experience like no other, and anyone can apply to participate. Conference fees and hotel expenses are covered through Bobcat MUN.

Every year, our club hosts Merced MUN. This conference has seen interest from schools throughout California, as well as out of state! This serves as another avenue for students to hone their professional skills in a unique environment. We encourage anyone that is interested to volunteer and join the Merced MUN conference team!


The club meets every Monday, @COB 263 from 7:30-9:30 PM. No prior experience is required, all members will be trained in the debate matters and procedures. Feel free to swing by, even if it’s just to see what it’s like!

Members participate in committee-style debate.

Members participate in committee-style debate.

Our 2019 delegation at SBIMUN in Santa Barbara

Our 2019 delegation at SBIMUN in Santa Barbara