Welcome to MercedMUN II!

Delegates, advisors, and friends,

On behalf of Bobcat Model United Nations at UC Merced, I am honored to welcome you to the second annual Merced Model United Nations! As the youngest University of California, our school, and our club, are still in our infancy. We are extremely proud to have hosted our very first conference last year with 2 committees. We’re ambitious, we’re looking to dramatically improve and expand our conference. 

Our conference will be held at the stunning UC Merced campus from April 3rd-5th. Over three days of debate, we will host three committees, including one General Assembly and two Crisis Committees. In our General Assembly, delegates will have to confront one of the existential threats of our generation, climate change. In our Crisis Committees, delegates will have to use their skills and creativity to solve complex and compelling problems, both historical and fantasy. 

We’re excited to show you everything UC Merced has to offer, and we hope to see you in April!


Faith Nordvik

Secretary General of MercedMUN, Bobcat Model United Nations

