Welcome to LinxMUN!


Delegates, advisors, and friends:

Greetings from Bobcat Model United Nations! We hope you are all staying safe and healthy during these difficult times.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to change how we go about living. From school closures and county-wide quarantines, to event postponement and - certainly on the MUN circuit - conference cancellations. We here at Bobcat MUN know that story all too well, with the cancellation of our very own MercedMUN this past April. But with crisis comes creativity, and our club has been developing an exciting online model UN event set for this coming Fall. We are proud to announce that this Fall Bobcat MUN will be hosting it’s very own online conference: LinxMUN!

We have been looking forward to announcing this information for a long time. We do not see this as merely an accommodation for conferences. Rather, we believe this could be the promising future of what online simulations will look like! Here are a few reasons why your team should participate in LinxMUN:

  • The online nature provides real committee experience for all delegates, in a less intimidating environment. Right now we are prepared to provide 5 committees: 1 general assembly, 2 specialized bodies, and 2 crises.

  • Our team has been perfecting the use of online committees, and have been running committees throughout Summer. This means we are well prepared to run and chair committees of all types.

  • We will be providing real awards! We will have all the usual titles (best delegate, outstanding delegate, etc.), and will mail the gavels/certificates soon after the conference ends. 

  • We are looking to make this conference as inexpensive as possible, charging only a one time delegation fee. 

For these reasons and more, we are confident that you and your team will have a great time at LinxMUN. More information will be provided in the future, but for now all we ask is that if you or anyone on your team is interested, to please reach out to our team using the contact information provided on this website, or through the link provided on our registration page. Stay safe, and we hope to see you all at LinxMUN!


Bobcat Model United Nations team



Why “Linx”

Nope, that’s not a typo! The name is a fusion of the two main aspects of our conference. It pays homage to our school mascot: the bobcat (Scientific name: Lynx rufus). It also plays on the fact that the conference will be almost entirely facilitated through the use of online links. We hope to see you at our conference, LinxMUN!